
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Where My Bible Opened to Today....Acts Chapter Two through Four

One of my goals for this year is to spend more time in the Word. I've begun to just open my Bible to wherever the page lands and I feel drawn to read. Today I've decided to start a little excerpt on my blog about Where My Bible Opened to today.

Acts 2 - 4
Having grown up in a religion where tongues were not spoken, the first time that I encountered the speaking of tongues in a spirit filled church I kinda freaked out. I thought to myself "Who are these people and why do they seem possessed?" I now understand, being filled with the spirit of tongues myself, I understand that the Spirit of God has ways of our prayers being led by HIS guidance. We just have to allow ourselves to be filled with the Spirit. I now allow myself to be taken into prayer in the spirit. I have no idea what I'm saying, but I know what I'm praying, and it's like a wave is washing over me. My head tingles and my heart is filled. It is by these feelings that I know that God is leading my prayers in a way HE wants to. As I pour out my feelings in prayer and let HIM guide my desires This has been but a small way that my testimony has grown since being led to a spirit filled church.

Acts Chapter 3
I have been the recipient of tremendous healing by the spirit of the Lord. I function now at about 85-90% most of the time, but chronic pain and physical problems have plagued me for years. I have not been COMPLETELY healed, probably so I'd remember to call upon my Savior for help. Most of the time when we are completely healed we forget to remember the source of our healing. I am actually grateful for the moments that I NEED HIM, because sadly, my human nature is the same as yours. If I didn't have any pain I probably wouldn't need to lean on Him as much as I do.

I have the desire to heal people with the amazing power of the Spirit. How amazing would it be to speak His name & watch the lame leap and the tongue speak. I guess you cannot believe it is possible unless you've been healed yourself. And I have!!! But I am still learning now how to speak the Word of God BOLDLY! It is my desire to teach others how to harness the power of the Spirit, but for now I am still learning myself.

I've recently had dreams of running into a particular friend of mine who has lost his way. He was once a true believer and follower of Christ, with such an amazing testimony. But through years of drug abuse, this amazing man has become possessed by a very demonic spirit that has managed to separate my friend from EVERYONE who knows and LOVES him. He's convinced himself of some very amazing things, including the thought that his life is like "The Truman Show" with Jim Carrey. He is convinced that people are being paid and made rich by watching his every move and profiting from his misery. It's so sad. Recently I have dreamt that I've run into him and laid hands upon him, and have had the POWER OF THE SPIRIT enough to DELIVER him. What joy would fill my heart if I could bring my dear friend back to his TRUE self....a believer full of strength & power in the Spirit.

I'm truly overwhelmed by the amazing power that God has given us IN JESUS' NAME. We can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS us.


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