
Saturday, January 17, 2015

God is showing me the way...

For quite some time I've been asking God to reveal to me what my "mission" or purpose in life is. I've been down so many broken roads and difficult paths (all self-inflicted)...I've changed my major and my career goals so many times I often have wondered which way I should go. The more I get into working in Celebrate Recovery and other areas of ministry that I am involved in, the more it seems like the Lord is leading me into ministry.

A couple years ago, the Lord gave me a vision for a project that seems insurmountable, but it is DEFINITELY doable with the right education, networking contacts and financial support. I've talked to people about it, and everyone says that I should pursue it. I tried talking to several people about it, including ministers and even legislators! People were giving me an amazing amount of encouragement, but because of lack of funding and community support we just weren't able to get it off the ground, so I put it on the back burner for a while.

Just the other night at bible study the Lord began putting it on my heart again to do the ministry I had been inspired to do. My husband and I have started attending the  Valley School of Ministry & Leadership at our church here in Missoula. I'm starting to think that the Lord has put us here to show us what he wants us to do with our ministry. I'm starting to think that this entire move to Missoula was so the Lord could get us out of the hell we were living in and put us back on the right path.

I'm grateful for the things that the Lord does for us that we don't even realize at the time. One thing I'm most grateful for is my RELATIONSHIP with the Lord, and that by staying connected with him I am able to slowly grasp what His plan for me is. I wish I could know everything right now, but I'm grateful for the process of the things He is showing me and teaching me everyday.

Bless you, my friends, today and everyday. Thanks for tuning in.


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