
Friday, January 9, 2015

Jan. 9 - My Thoughts on Ezra

How might this book in the Bible apply to my life? As I read the scriptures, I try to apply them to my life.

Sometimes God puts desires in our hearts for things we'd like to do, just as the people in Ezra's time desired to rebuild the temple, but things don't always go as planned. Everything we try to do gets put on hold or we run into road blocks left & right. We often don't understand why things aren't going the way we want them to. We start questioning if God had truly put the desire on our hearts to begin with.

In my life I believe this applies to my desire to start an outreach worship ministry. For a long time, God has put a desire in my heart to begin a band that will sing Christian contemporary music. It seems like the desire has been placed in my heart, but finding the right musicians & singers to join me has been difficult.

Does this mean that it'll never happen? No. It just means that it's not time yet.
So whatever the Lord has put upon your heart to do for His glory, keep your vision focused on what he wants you to do and watch for his signs to see when His time has come for you to do it. Don't lose faith.

Just as the people finally finished the temple, we will be able to fulfill all that the Lord has planned for our lives. Keep your faith strong, and keep on keeping on!


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